Weekly Club Net - 8:00PM Thursdays on 146.76
Monthly Meeting - Last Tuesday except June/December - 6:30PM

LEARA Dinner Meeting


April 29, 2025    
6:30 pm - 9:00 pm


Firehouse Grille and Pub
2768 Stark Dr, Willoughby, OH

Event Type

Map Unavailable

The Next LEARA monthly membership meeting is on Tuesday April 29. We will have a video on Tetsuya Theodore Fujita.   Although he is best known for creating the Fujita scale of tornado intensity and damage  he also discovered downbursts and microbursts and was an instrumental figure in advancing modern understanding of many severe weather phenomena and how they affect people and communities, especially through his work exploring the relationship between wind speed and damage.. The meeting will be at Firehouse Grille & Pub. ... 2768 Stark Dr. Willoughby HillsOH 44094 Please register on the web site “https://leara.org/dinner-reservation/“ or contact Marv Grossman so that we can let the proprietors know how many people to expect. We will be ordering off the menu as before..

(Info from Wikipedia)

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