Weekly Club Net - 8:00PM Thursdays on 146.76
Monthly Meeting - Last Tuesday except June/December - 6:30PM

Club Net

The club net meets every Thursday at 8:00PM on the 146.76 repeater.

Recent Checkins - June 2024

AB8UM - MikeKC8MRC - BobN8AHS - Fred
K2WJS - BillKD8AJZ - Rich N8AUC - Eric
K8EHP - MikeKD8FTS - EddieN8UPZ - Bill
K8RYK - RichKD8ICR - DonW8IE - Ed
K8SAS -SteveKD8WBB- CarstenW8IXY - Ted
K8SHB - JoelKE8MNZ - AndrewWA8AWD - Bob
KB8AYQ - TerryKE8NMZ - MarcWA9ZHN - Jim
KB8VBR - LeoneKE8ZSJ - Eric
KB8VXE - CarlN8ACP - Chris

Upcoming Net Controls

07/04/24No NetHappy 4th July
08/08/24 EdW8IE
08/22/24 Carl KB8VXE
08/29/24 EricN8AUC
09/05/24Mike AB8UM

Trivia Question Etiquette

Trivia questions are multiple-choice. If unsure, it's okay to guess! If you know the answer, no explanation is needed - it makes things less fun for those after you.

After the correct answer is revealed, sharing related facts or personal stories is encouraged, but save detailed discussions for the end of the session. Let the Net Control know if you have extra information to share afterwards.

Past Trivia / Discussion Questions

  • 4/18/24 Question: In long standing amateur radio tradition, what is considered "the final courtesy" of having had a QSO?
    a) Saying 73 at the end of the QSO
    b) Providing a QSL, either paper or electronic, as a confirmation of the QSO
    c) Logging the contact, saving all critical data
    d) Greeting fellow hams during a hamfest or club meeting
    Answer: B
  • 04/25/24 Question: What day had the most recorded tornadoes in the State of Ohio?
    A) 12 jul 1992 - 29
    B) 10 Nov 2022 - 19
    C) 15 June 2023- 12
    D) 24 Aug 2023 - 12
    Answer: A) 12 jul 1992 - 29
    More information; available at:
  • 05/02/24 Question: What agency issued radio licenses before the FCC?
    Choices: A-DOC, B-FLB, C-FRC, D-RCC
  • 5/9/24 CONELRAD (Control of Electromagnetic Radiation) was a method of emergency broadcasting to the public of the United States in the event of enemy attack during the Cold War.
    Question: The CONELRAD system operated on what two frequencies?
    A) 560 & 1420 AM,
    B) 640 & 1240 AM,
    C) 94 & 106 FM,
    D) 560 AM & 106 FM
    Answer B) 640 & 1240 AM
    In the event of an emergency, all United States television and FM radio stations were required to stop broadcasting. Upon alert, most AM medium-wave stations shut down. The stations that stayed on the air would transmit on either 640 or 1240 kHz. They would transmit for several minutes and then go off the air, and another station would take over on the same frequency in a "round robin" chain. This was to confuse enemy aircraft who might be navigating using radio direction finding. By law, radio sets manufactured between 1953 and 1963 had these two frequencies marked by the triangle-in-circle ("CD Mark") symbol of Civil Defense.[3]

5/16/24 Question: Which of the following is NOT a place that has housed the Dayton Hamvention?
A. Biltmore Hotel
B. Hara Arena
C. Greene County Fairgrounds
D. Montgomery County Fairgrounds
Answer D. Montgomery County Fairgrounds

5/23/24 Question: What animals are able to change their genders?
A) Ants, Manta Ray, Penguin
B) Bees, Hawks, Armadillo
C) Frogs, Clown fish, Cardinals
D) Octopus, Robins, Gophers
E) None of the above

Answer: C) Frogs, Clown fish, Cardinals. More4 information can be found at https://www.treehugger.com/animals-can-change-their-sex-4869361

05/30/2024 Question: The end-fed zepp antenna received it's name from what early usage?

a) An antenna that was easy and quick to install
b) A weighted antenna wire below an airship <=== answer
c) The square of a quarterwave
d) Marconi's pet dog

Answer: a) An antenna that was easy and quick to install

Discussion Question: Did you volunteer for the Cleveland Marathon?

06/06/2024 Question: Carl Smith was a local engineer located in Brecksville. What is a Smith Chart

A) A chart for calculating the Resistance of an Inductor
B) A chart for finding metal in any antenna structure
C) A diagram with circles for RF plotting of a ground plane
D) A chart for studying transmission line behavior.
Answer: D) A chart for studying transmission line behavior.
Discussion: What was your most interesting antenna or radio used? Perhaps oldest radio

06/13/2024 Trivia Question:  The greatest doppler shift for a given circular satellite orbit occurs:

A) at high elevations, B) At all elevations, C) At Perigeem D) At low elevations
Answer: A) At high elevations.

06/20/2024 Trivia Question:  When did Amateur Radio clubs begin to form?
a) 1901 - 1910 before licensing and regulation
b) 1920s
c) 1930s
d) Shortly after WW II
Answer: A
Discussion Question: Are you participating in Field Day this year?

06/27/2024 Question: Where was the last battle of the Revolutionary war fought?

  • A) Brandywine Creek, MD
  • B) Cuddalore, India
  • C) Monmouth, NJ
  • D) Yorktown, VA
  • E) None of the above
  • Answer:  B) Cuddalore, India Discussion:

07/04/24 No Net Happpy 4th of July!

07/11/24 Question:

07/18/24 Question: R.A.C. is an acronym for what?

  • A) Repeater Acquisition Code
  • B) Radio Amateurs of Canada
  • C) Radio Amateur's Code
  • D) Regional Area code
  • Answer : B- Radio Amateurs of Canada

RAC is the Canadian equivalent of ARRL in the US.
It is their national amateur radio society and represents
Canadian hams to the IARU (International Amateur Radio Union)
which is part of the ITU (International Telecommunications Union)

07/25/24 Question:

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