Weekly Club Net - 8:00PM Thursdays on 146.76
Monthly Meeting - Last Tuesday except June/December - 6:30PM

Net Control Info

Want to be a net control?



The Thursday LEARA Club net meets every Thursday at 8 PM on the 146.760. All are welcome to participate.

The Next LEARA monthly membership meeting is on October 29. It will be at The Firehouse Grill and Bar, 2768 Stark Dr, Willoughby Hills, OH 44094. Please register on the web site “https://leara.org/dinner-reservation/“ or contact Marv Grossman so that we can let the proprietors know how many people to expect. We will be ordering off the menu as before..

Next LEARA Trustee meeting Saturday November 9 at 9:00AM -
It is a ZOOM meeting and open to all Paid LEARA Members. An Email will be sent out to members with instructions on how to attend.


The SkyWarn Wednesday night practice nets are held on Wednesday nights from April through September at 8:30 PM on the 146.760 repeater (-) PL 110.9. (NOTE that practice sessions are done for the season. Should the NWS issue a severe weather alert during the off season, a Net will be held)

An On-Line Spotter training video from the NWS is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6R25g5YYhg

N8UPZ reminds everyone that the National Weather Service can always use help with precipitation monitoring. For further info please check out the CoCoRaHS web site at http://www.cocorahs.org


Note ARES nets and meetings are off for the rest of the year. ARES nets meet every Tuesdays at 8 PM on 145.410 repeater. A simplex net follows. Note there is no net on the third Tuesday as it is meeting night.
ARES meetings are held 7PM the third Tuesday of each month. The next ARES meeting is Tuesday January 21, 2005 at 7 PM at the Helwig Whistle Stop 599 W Bagley Rd, Berea, OH 44017. It will not a Zoom meeting. For more info, contact ARES at [email protected]. Please monitor the ARES website at www.n8esg.org/ares for information on nets and events. They are open to all, but if you are not an ARES member, please send a request at https://n8esg.org/contact/
NOTE that the ARES meetings and Nets are on Winter vacation for the Months of November and December. They will resume in January.


Ron Hollis K8RJH update: From Ester - Ron is now at home for a while between his treatments.  He has lost weight but working to get it back on. He has been overcome by an aggressive type of Lymphoma that moves very fast.  He is making progress but is very weak.

He needs his Ham buddies. To reach out to him by email. He can now read his own emails. [email protected]

Public Service

Public Service events: Please check out the link at: http://n8esg.org/calendar
and scroll to the bottom or click "HERE"

Lorain County Pumpkin Patrol

Lorain County Pumpkin Patrol is looking for volunteers to man bridges around Lorain County. If you would like to help please contact Keith KD8GXL [email protected]


October 30th, 2024 6:00 PM to November 1st, 2024 11:59 PM


The 146.88 repeater system has been upgraded to Allstar and Echo link. See the LEARA Newsletter and Web Page for more information

The UHF Repeater on 444.700 is on the air in a digital mode only. It will handle DMR, Fusion, P25 and D-Star (note there may be issues with Fusion and D-Star. Try them out and if you encounter problems, let David AD8G know). Check out the Repeaters tab for more information. NOTE: IF YOU OPEN A LINK FOR YSF OR DSTAR. PLEASE CLOSE IN WHEN YOU ARE DONE. leaving it open locks out others from using other modes when you are not there.


Net Controllers

We can always use net controllers, which means that you can try your hand at running a LEARA net! Give it a try, it's not that hard. Learn the voices and call signs of your fellow radio members. We presently have 7 active net controllers to bring you the net each week. Why not join up and give us a hand. You can even do a part time shift - say 4 times a year! Give it a try! Contact Carl Gedeon KB8VXE at kb8vxe@arrl. net


Have pictures of your shack or mobile installation? Pass them along to the newsletter editor Carsten KD8WBB at [email protected]

Tech License Training

Cuyahoga Falls ARC Online Tech License Classes Start Oct 6th

The Cuyahoga Falls ARC will sponsor Technician and General Licensing Classes this fall and winter. The Tech class starts on Oct 6 and will run for six weeks. Time is 1:30 to 4:00 PM, and the classes will be held online via Zoom and Google Classroom. For more information, you can visit tiny.cc/beaham

I know what you are thinking: “Why would I be reading this if I didn’t already have my Tech License?” That’s partially true; we are running this article because we need your help. Potential Hams do not know about licensing classes or how Amateur Radio Licensing works. So we need you to find potential new Hams and inform them about the class. 

What’s different about these classes? In addition to teaching the material you need to pass the exam, we will devote time to things that will get you one the air and operating!

This year, we will be working in conjunction with the M.O.R.E. Project. Students who complete the class and pass the license exam will be eligible to receive a GOTA (Get On The Air) package of free equipment, including a VHF/UHF HT.

Because we draw attendees from around the country, we always recommend they join a local radio club. If you recommend this class to someone, please let them know about your local club so they can find mentors in their area.

Cuyahoga Falls Amateur Radio Club (CFARC) - https://cfarc.org/cfarc/home

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