The club net meets every Thursday at 8:00PM on the 146.76 repeater.
K8EHP - Mike | KE8BLX - James | N8UPZ - Bill |
K8RJH - Ron | KF8BNF - Mike | W8IE - Ed |
K8SAS - Steve | KF8DIH - Clay | W8IXY - Ted |
KA8JOY - Robert | N8ACP - Chris | W8JMI - Bryan |
KB8MVT- Keith | N8AHS - Fred | WA8AWD - Bob |
KB8VXE - Carl | N8AUC - Eric | WA8ZHN - Jim |
KC8FQV - Mark | N8QMK - Mike | |
KC8MRC - Bob | N8RKE - Larry |
3/13/25 | Jim | WA8ZHN |
3/20/25 | Carl | KB8VXE |
3/27/25 | Ed | W8IE |
4/3/25 | Eric | N8AUC |
4/10/25 | Jim | WA8ZHN |
4/17/25 | Carl | KB8VXE |
4/24/25 | Ed | W8IE |
5/1/25 | Eric | N8AUC |
5/8/25 | Jim | WA8ZHN |
5/15/25 | Carl | KB8VXE |
KB8VXE - Carl | N8AUC - Eric |
W8IE - Ed | WA8ZHN -Jim |
KM8V - Jon |
Trivia questions are multiple-choice. If unsure, it's okay to guess! If you know the answer, no explanation is needed - it makes things less fun for those after you.
After the correct answer is revealed, sharing related facts or personal stories is encouraged, but save detailed discussions for the end of the session. Let the Net Control know if you have extra information to share afterwards.
01/09/25 Question: Who invented commercial Radio Broadcasting?
Answer: Nathan B. Stubblefield
(Since Stubblefield had a single transmitter and multiple receiving points, the U.S. Patent Office finally agreed to giving Stubblefield the invention of Radio Broadcasting. What is not generally known is that Stubblefield's system used voice and not Morse code. Murray State University has much information on Stubblefield and honors him as the inventor of radio.)
More info here:
01/16/25 Question: What is the highest point in Ohio?
Choices: A) Columbus, B) Bellefountain, C) Akron, D) Ohio River in Olentangy County
Answer: B- Bellefontain (at Chapple Hill) 1549Ft. Columbus 781 ft, Akron 1004 ft, Olentangy River in Hamilton Co 455 ft)
01/23/25 Question: What is the relationship between Doppler shift and frequency?
Answer: A. Doppler shift increases as frequency increases.
01/30/25 Question: How much did the ARRL License Manual of 1935 cost?
A: 10 cents
B: 25 cents
C: 50 cents
D: One dollar
Correct Answer: 25 cents
(In 1935, you could get two packs of cigarettes for 25 cents.)
02/06/25 Question: In what month of 1915 was the first issue of QST Magazine?
a) January
b) June
c) September
d) December
Answer: D.
02/13/25 Question: Relegated to these in the early days of radio, hams found them to be prime radio real estate.
Answer: D short waves below 200 meters/ frequencies above 1500 KHz.
02/20/25 Question: From History Facts (.com)
In shadow of Presidents day, here is a little known fact. When the Lincoln Memorial was dedicated on May 30, 1922, the world bore witness to how $2,000,000 (more than $36 million today) in federal funds, eight years of American elbow grease, and 38,000 tons of marble, granite and limestone could result in something truly extraordinary: A very, very expensive typo.
The misspelled word was:
Answer: B) EUTURE – (FUTURE)
On May 30, 1922, the Lincoln Memorial was dedicated in a grand ceremony on Washington, D.C.’s National Mall. The project was an incredible investment, costing around $2 million to build (more than $36 million today). Construction lasted eight years and required 38,000 tons of marble. Despite all the time and effort, one mistake went unnoticed: The word “FUTURE” was accidentally etched into the marble as “EUTURE.” The error is found in the text of Lincoln’s second inaugural address, which is carved into the north wall of the monument. The extra line was corrected, but the slightly off-colored stone is still visible today.
(Read second article)
1: The four prominent U.S. Presidents carved into Mount Rushmore were chosen by sculptor Gutzon Borglum to represent major milestones and ideals in American history. George Washington, the first President, was chosen as a symbol of the birth of the nation;
2: Thomas Jefferson represents the expansion of the country through the Louisiana Purchase;
3:Abraham Lincoln was picked for his role in preserving the union;
4: Theodore Roosevelt symbolizes the nation’s industrial growth. While all of these famous figures are known for their pivotal roles in the country’s history, there’s much more to each of their stories. Here are six interesting facts about the Mount Rushmore Presidents.
More info at:
02/27/25 Question: Transmitting a fast-scan television (ATV) signal at 425.0 MHz would be…
Answer: D. Illegal in Buffalo, NY. Source: QRZ Trivia Quiz for 2025-01-23
03/06/25 Question: During the many years of analog over the air TV, excessive 2nd order harmonics emanating from a 10m transmitter were most likely to affect which TV channel?
Answer: A. - Channel 2 Source: QRZ Trivia Quiz