Weekly Club Net - 8:00PM Thursdays on 146.76
Monthly Meeting - Last Tuesday except June/December - 6:30PM

Net Control Info

Want to be a net control?



The Thursday LEARA Club net meets every Thursday at 8 PM on the 146.760. All are welcome to participate.

The Next LEARA monthly membership meeting is on Tuesday February 25. Eddie Stevens will present Ham Radio and driving a Semi-truck. The meeting will be at Firehouse Grille & Pub. ... 2768 Stark Dr. Willoughby HillsOH 44094 Please register on the web site “https://leara.org/dinner-reservation/“ or contact Marv Grossman so that we can let the proprietors know how many people to expect. We will be ordering off the menu as before..

Next LEARA Trustee meeting Saturday March 8 at 9:00AM -
It is a ZOOM meeting and open to all Paid LEARA Members. An Email will be sent out to members with instructions on how to attend.


The SkyWarn Wednesday night practice nets are held on Wednesday nights from April through September at 8:30 PM on the 146.760 repeater (-) PL 110.9. (NOTE that practice sessions are done for the season. Should the NWS issue a severe weather alert during the off season, a Net will be held). The next Skywarn Net is scheduled for Wednesday April 2 at 8:30 PM.

An On-Line Spotter training video from the NWS is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6R25g5YYhg

N8UPZ reminds everyone that the National Weather Service can always use help with precipitation monitoring. For further info please check out the CoCoRaHS web site at http://www.cocorahs.org


ARES nets meet every Tuesdays at 8 PM. The frequencies are going to rotate between three repeaters: 145.410 (-) PL-110.9, 146.820 (-) PL-110.9 and 444.050 (+) PL 131.8, A mass e-mail will be sent out to members registered on the ARES website. A simplex net follows. Note there is no net on the third Tuesday as it is meeting night.
ARES meetings are held 7PM the third Tuesday of each month. The next ARES meeting is Tuesday February 18, 2005 at 7 PM at the Helwig Whistle Stop, 599 W. Bagley Road, Berea, OH. For more info, contact ARES at [email protected]. Please monitor the ARES website at www.n8esg.org/ares for information on nets and events. They are open to all, but if you are not an ARES member, please send a request at https://n8esg.org/contact/


Jim Pracker, K8QOT, passed away at about 11:00 AM Wednesday.  1/11/25 Will post obituary when available.  All we know now is that the funeral will be next Friday in Chesterland.  The cemetery is in Rock Creek (family burial plot)

Public Service

Public Service events: Please check out the link at: http://n8esg.org/calendar
and scroll to the bottom or click "HERE"


The 146.88 repeater system has been upgraded to Allstar and Echo link. See the LEARA Newsletter and Web Page for more information

The UHF Repeater on 444.700 is on the air in a digital mode only. It will handle DMR, Fusion, P25 and D-Star (note there may be issues with Fusion and D-Star. Try them out and if you encounter problems, let David AD8G know). Check out the Repeaters tab for more information. NOTE: IF YOU OPEN A LINK FOR YSF OR DSTAR. PLEASE CLOSE IN WHEN YOU ARE DONE. leaving it open locks out others from using other modes when you are not there.


Net Controllers

We can always use net controllers, which means that you can try your hand at running a LEARA net! Give it a try, it's not that hard. Learn the voices and call signs of your fellow radio members. We presently have 7 active net controllers to bring you the net each week. Why not join up and give us a hand. You can even do a part time shift - say 4 times a year! Give it a try! Contact Carl Gedeon KB8VXE at kb8vxe@arrl. net


Have pictures of your shack or mobile installation? Pass them along to the newsletter editor Carsten KD8WBB at [email protected]

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